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Michał Oszmaniec Quantum Information Research Group is a website of the Quantum Computing Group led by dr. Michał Oszmaniec.
Michał Oszmaniec, michał, oszmaniec, quantum information, quantum, qbit, quantum computing
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Theory of Quantum Computation

Research group led by Michał Oszmaniec


We study theoretical underpinnings of the rapidly developing and interdisciplinary field of quantum computing. We focus our research on developing tools and methods for a better understanding of the power and limitations of near-term quantum computers. In particular, we are interested in the following  topics:


  • Certification and characterization of prototypes of quantum computers in order to develop effective methods of error mitigation on these devices.
  • Application of generalized quantum measurements (POVMs) in new quantum algorithms and development of methods for their effective implementation on realistic devices.
  • Mathematical foundations of quantum computing (effective compilation of quantum gates, universal quantum computation, new proposals for quantum advantage, classical simulation of noisy quantum computations).


We are a part of Center for Theoretical Physics PAS .


A figure presenting schematically extensions of some restricted model of quantum computation (RQC) by adding extra resources (like extra gates for example) represented by the dashed arrow. Some resources, when added, lead to another restricted class of computation (RQC’) that still may not be interesting from the computational perspective. Some resources promote RQC to universal quantum computation UQC, whereas for others one lands in the grey region representing situation when the exact computational power is not known.